Daffodil class follows a 4-year rotating curriculum centered around the Early Years Framework and Development Matters. It specifically caters to the 4 areas of SEND needs: Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties and sensory and/or physical needs.
We use many strategies to best target these areas, such as:
Our school uses the Read Write Inc phonics scheme by Ruth Miskin to deliver high quality phonics lessons and interventions that encourage sound knowledge.
Our Reading spine shows our termly core texts as well as additional complimentary books designed to be accessible for early-readers.
We use the graduated approach of Assess, plan, do, review to continually adapt learning based on small steps targets and the developing needs of each child.
The Daffodil class 2024-2025 cohort is following the Year A curriculum
Other resources we use to enhance our curriculum: