We are not currently taking open admissions for Daffodil class
Potential Resource Base children are assessed on a case-by-case basis when they enrol to Alfred Sutton Primary School as a Nursery, Reception or new starter (aged 3-7).
Children may also be referred to us by the Local Authority if there are spaces available. We consider the referral paperwork, possibly visiting the child in their education setting and assess against our admission criteria as to whether we can meet the child’s needs.
If we feel we can meet your child’s needs, we will invite you to meet with us and look around our provision. This would be followed by the admissions process. We are an Alternative Resourced Provision setting and so there are occasions when we cannot meet a child’s needs in our provision and the referral would be declined.
If you are thinking of enrolling your child into Reception or Nursery and feel as though they may benefit from being in Daffodil Class, please enquire with our SENco/ Whole school inclusion lead, Sarah Osborne senco@alfredsutton.reading.sch.uk