We are highly aspirational for our pupils and strive for continual improvement.
Currently rated Ofsted good, our report can be accessed here:
‘Staff are dedicated to making sure that pupils are safe.’
As a result of the very effective leadership of the school, by you and your deputy,
standards have risen rapidly over the last two years.’
‘Pupils are very well prepared for life in modern Britain. They have developed a set
of values, known as the ‘Sutton Six’, which permeate the school.’
‘Personal, social and health education is a key part of the curriculum. It is helping
pupils to have a positive outlook and to be more resilient.’
‘Pupils behave very well and are increasingly able to sort things out for themselves.’
‘Your effective subject leaders make sure that the curriculum is broad, balanced
and is increasingly a strength.’
‘Over time, the progress of disadvantaged pupils has improved, so that for current pupils there are no noticeable differences in the quality of work between disadvantaged pupils and others in school. Leaders make good use of pupil premium funding to ensure that
pupils are taught consistently well throughout the school.’
‘Children enter the early years with skills typically below those of children nationally, yet, because of effective teaching and leadership, above-average proportions reach a good
level of development and are well prepared for entering key Stage 1.’
‘Last year, pupils at the end of key stage 2 made above-average progress in reading.
Their progress in writing and mathematics was well above average.’
‘Standards in the early years and in Year 1 have improved consistently over time.’
‘The quality of writing for pupils in key stage 1 is a particular strength, with pupils able
to use their technical skills to produce interesting and informative work.’